Blessed Sacrament - A Stewardship Parish

Blessed Sacrament is a Stewardship Parish. We are continually striving to build a vibrant community in which every parishioner plays an active role. We welcome your talents and gifts in our parish community. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we believe that we can make a difference in this community and the world. Our Faith teaches us that all that we are and have is a gift from a generous and benevolent God. Good Stewards of Our Time …. Make Mass the top priority on Sunday, Spend time in prayer everyday, Pray with family and loved ones. Stewards of Talent …. God asks us simply to use our gifts to help build the kingdom. Remain active in parish ministries, Remain open to new ministries, Teach our children to serve in the church. Stewards of Treasure …. We are called to look at our giving as a response for the blessings God has given us. Make an intentional gift each week or month, Use offertory envelopes.

Our Prayer for Stewardship Lord, source of all gifts, You call us to be disciples of Your Son, and to be stewards of all creation. May the hours and days You give us be filled with faith, with hope and with love. May the talents, gifts and graces You give us be shared for the benefit of family and community. May the money and possessions You give us be spent for growth of self and church. Help us to make the choices that will renew the face of the earth, and will bring us to see You face-to-face.

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