Fatima Statue Home Pilgrimage


The statue of Our Lady of Fatima, though it is only a statue, is still a representation of the Queen of Heaven.=


For those who might question the reason why Catholics pray in the presence of statues, to avoid any misunderstanding we might add that we do not pray to the statue, but to the person the statue represents. The purpose of the statue is much like the purpose of the photographs we carry of our loved ones. Nobody would dare accuse FATIMA STATUE HOME PILGRIMAGEof loving the photo more than our family. They know the family photos we have in our offices, wallets, etc., merely help us to keep our loved ones in mind and they often serve to enkindle and preserve our love during their absence.


Not only does the statue represent our Queen and Mother, but it is also a blessed statue and therefore it should be treated with considerable respect. Thus, it is only fitting that we prepare a special place for her, whom the statue represents, in our home. We recommend the statue be kept in a prominent place, symbolizing the prominent place Our Lady should have in our hearts, a place of honor!

It is recommended a small altar or pedestal of some type be prepared for the statue, in a safe place, out of reach of little children or animals, who might overturn the statue and so damage it.

The altar or pedestal can be covered with a white cloth, symbolizing the purity and spotlessness of her who was conceived and lived without sin. You may want to place a couple of candles on either side of the statue and light them during times of prayer. If you wish, you could also prepare a small vase or two of flowers and place them on the altar or by the pedestal.

All these things can help re-enkindle and preserve our devotion to Our Lady. It is this devotion that God expects of us – for as Our Lady herself said at Fatima: “God wants the whole world to be devoted to my Immaculate Heart.” Through this simple apostolate, we will play our role in bringing this about.

The Day of Arrival

The moment of arrival could be solemnized by a simple song, prayer and/or ceremony. 

A hymn could be sung at the moment the Pilgrim Virgin Statue arrives and while it is carried into the house, placed upon a pre-prepared altar, the candles lit and the vases of flowers put in place.

You might say the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary instead of singing a hymn.

Once enthroned upon its altar,

Family and friends could spend a few moments in private prayer.

Those present could all recite prayers aloud, sharing their intentions of their prayers for the week.

A Rosary could be prayed in the presence of the Statue.

However for the honor of God’s Blessed Mother, some kind of ceremony should take place. For this will invariably manifest, and imprint upon the mind, the importance of the week that is to follow and establish its spiritual tone.

In view of this, it is recommended to invite as many family members, friends and neighbors as possible for the arrival of the statue - for this too will show the importance of the occasion to all present.


Nobody invites guests in order to ignore them. Similarly, it would be dishonorable to invite Our Lady into our home and then neglect her or even forget about her.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the very minimum we do is to say the Rosary daily in front of her statue. At Fatima, Our Lady had said: “Pray the Rosary daily!” This week is a heaven- sent opportunity to do just that. It can be the start of a family Rosary. It can be a turning point in our spiritual lives. Much more is brought about by prayer than we would like to think!

It may be that our lives are not as happy as we would like them to be, simply because we have isolated ourselves from God - the source of true happiness. Is it not God who grants graces, orders events, decides what will and will not happen? What folly then to turn away from the hand that is able to take away our, often self-inflicted sadness, sorrow and suffering and give us peace and happiness instead! As it says in Scripture:

“Therefore do not be anxious saying: ‘What shall we eat?’ or, ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What are we to put on?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. Your Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be given you besides.” (Matt. 6:31-33)

Let us use this week in order to turn God through Mary, in such a way as to truly give Him the first place in our lives; in such a way that the spiritual takes priority over the material. Yet to do this, and to persevere in this, we must first pray.

Our Week with Mary can also take on other forms or expressions of devotion. Other prayers can also be added to the daily recitation of the Rosary, such as the Litany of the Blessed Virgin or any other prayer. Those who enjoy singing, might like to add to their Rosary, a verse or two of some Marian hymn. Or you may even want to sing several or even many hymns in honor of the Blessed Virgin - which is a praiseworthy thing indeed!

Remember St. Augustine, who used to say a prayer sung is a prayer said twice! Let each family do what it can, without the burden of feeling it is tied down to a restrictive formula of devotion and prayer. However, we do suggest when inviting friends and neighbors, you follow some type of preplanned ceremony.


At Fatima, Our Lady said God wanted the whole world to be devoted to Her Immaculate Heart. We can positively play a part in this, by asking our friends and neighbors to come along, at least once, during the week of Our Lady’s visit.

This means overcoming a certain timidity and reluctance to reach out to others and to bring them within the sphere of Our Lady’s powerful influence. If Jesus is so little loved because He is so little known and understood - then so too is Mary! Many persons have a misconception of the Mother of God, a misconception that hurts her Son as well as God - who wishes the whole world be devoted to her.

Do not fall into the trap of making this week something of a private family affair. Do not let human respect frighten you into paralysis and anonymity, whereby you are afraid of inviting others to come and pray with you.

Do not, therefore, let timidity or fear prevent you from asking friends and neighbors to join you in honoring the Mother of God during this, Her spiritual visit to your home - for in doing so, you may be robbing them of a heaven-sent opportunity and the chance of the discovery of a lifetime.

Implant these words that Our Lady spoke at Fatima, deep in your heart: "God wishes the whole world to be devoted to my Immaculate Heart."

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